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Inside Titanic: second class
  Posted on Sun 10 Oct 2004 (81920 reads)
Second class gangway and staircases.

1. Smoke Room

After dinner, the gentlemen of the second class could retreat from the Dining Room to their Smoking Room.

This room was decorated in Louis XVI style and it had oak panelling with daido rails. Linoleum tiles were specially designed for the room and were unique to the ship.

2. Library

After dinner, travelling second class women would part company from their partners and often sought in the Library. This was the equivalent of the First Class Reading and Writing Room. The room was excellently appointed filled with mahogany furniture. A large book case was situated at the forward end opposite the bulkhead. Large windows had silk curtains hanging. The rich fabric of the Wilton carpet gave a snug feel to the room.

3. Second Class Dining Room

The Dining Room was 71 foot long and it could seat 2394 people at one sitting. The room had oak panels with pivoted sidelights which provided a great elegance dining room. There was a piano in the room to entertain diners. All the furniture was mahogany with crimson upholstery.

4. Second Class Accommodation

Second class accommodation was provided in either two or four berth rooms. A maximum of 550 passengers could be accommodated. The rooms were fitted in enamel white with mahogany furniture.

The Staterooms of the second class were very similar to the standard cabins of the First Class.

However when comparing the size of room, staterooms and galleys etc. it must be remembered that the Titanic and Olympic set entirely new standards of transatlantic travel. The second class or middle class would have been treated in exactly the same way as the first class passengers would have been on other contemperary shipping lines.
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