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Inside Titanic: first class public spaces
  Posted on Sun 10 Oct 2004 (87394 reads)
The first class public rooms included a dining saloon, reception room, restaurant, lounge, reading and writing room, smoking room and the veranda cafes and palm courts.

Cafe Parisien.

When the Cafe Parisien was added to Olympic in late 1912, the entire room was carpeted, unlike Titanic who had only a green throw rug on her decking (Illustrated History, pgs.49, 59).

There was a gym and squash court. The sisters were the first liners in history to have them installed.

The first class also enjoyed several Turkish and electric baths, which although technically saunas, were decorated in an Arabian style. The portholes were covered with a carved Cairo curtain so that when light shone through an Orient look was given to the room.

The exclusive staircase clock which was located in the center of the main staircase, The left and right are another section of the staricases that lead up to the upper level

The turkish bath Quote:
where the pampered First Class passengers could receive yet more pampering, in the shape of an invigorating massage from the ship's Turkish Bath attendant, Annie Caton. The Turkish Bath was located on 'F' deck, immediately forward and slightly to starboard of the second funnel.
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