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Stress on Titanic's Speed
  Posted on Fri 16 Mar 2012 (43817 reads)
London, May 3-The Attorney General, Rufus Isaacs, addressed the Wreck commission which is investigating the loss of the White Star liner Titanic today, setting forth the facts as understood by the Government and laying special emphasis upon the evidence that a speed of 21 knots was maintained after the warnings of ice ahead had been received, right up to the moment of collision. The whole of the forenoon session was taken up with this statement which brought out little that had not been already developed at the senatorial inquiry at Washington. The attendance of spectators was small. A group of sailors survivors of the sea tragedy who arrived here on the Lapland from New York and had been subpoenaed to testify were objects of interest.

When the court opened Lord Mersey, who heads the Commission, granted permission to President Lewis of the Seamen's Union and to an attorney for the Imperial Mercantile Guild to participate in the proceedings. The union is a new organization composed of four thousand Southampton sailors. Two hundred and twenty-eight of its member were employed on the Titanic and of these only seventy-seven survived the casualty. The officers of the Titanic were members of the guild. The inquiry is likely to extend over several weeks and will be devoted largely to technical details.

The court today displayed the greatest interest in the warnings of ice which the Cunard liners Coronia and the White Star steamer Celtic sent to the Titanic on the day of the disaster, April 14.

Lord Mersey inquired, particularly on this point, finally asking:

"Am I right in supposing that she ran right into the region where the ice was after a warning that ice was there?"

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