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Pop Houses from Conny, The Netherlands.
  Posted on Tue 28 Aug 2007 (139938 reads)
The Titanic in which Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet play the head roles is one of my favorite films. Together with my long lasting passion for building pop houses, a famous hobby in The Netherlands, Europe. I decided to start building a few important scenes from this film and building them to a scale of one to twelve. My objective is to realize a 3 dimensional world trying to simulate features highlighted in the movie, this route has been chosen before on these story lines: Dutch Legend, Spionne, Mata Hari (The Exotic Dancers).

Building such realistic 3 dimensional world requires a good deal of research to create a compelling world in the eye of the prospect viewer so don't forget to login and vote on my photos listed on under Models!. Books, Movies and off course the Internet plays an important role in the research, provided a realistic view on how the Titanic was once visualized and how people model it these days as both types of photos are available, an invaluable source and the strongest point of this website yet. I think photos tell alot more than stories.

Conny pop houses in's model photo section

Not every aspect of detail could be put into model reality, Further more my models are obviously not for sale any time, it is a work of art with so much effort that the creator could hardly sell to any other person. Often times scaling is a difficult element to control quality on. To get the desired results, alot of creativity goes into solving different kinds of problems and avoiding traps, Unlike the conteporary beleive it could be said that these obstacles are actually what makes building these scaled models so fun and eventually achieving a model that you expected.

My research also brought me to the Forum section and my findings there are very useful as it seems that people all over the world with shared interest are living on the same street as you. Those who can stand by and give you a hand with help on various questions you might have over the deam ship Titanic.

Greetings from Conny van den Dungen From The Netherlands, Europe.
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