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Third class deck composition
  Posted on Mon 04 Oct 2004 (74031 reads)
For the 1026 third class passengers, however, it was a vastly different story; in their areas the passenger accommodation comprised mainly four or six-berth cabins with only 66 two-berth rooms being provided. White star had in Titanic provided what was probably the best conditions possible for this class of passenger and was probably equivalent to second class in other comparable vessels.
number of third class rooms
two-berth four-berth six-berth eight-berth ten-berth number of passengers
D deck 4 - 7 - - 50
E deck 26 40 8 - - 260
F deck 31 59 18 5 2 466
G deck 5 13 4 - - 86
G deck - - - - - 164
total 66 112 37 5 2 1026
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 Re: Third class deck composition

Posted: 2005/8/8 17:12  Updated: 2005/8/14 23:21


Joined: 2005/8/8
From: Maryland
Posts: -1
I agree too. they paid to go on their ship so they should have a chance to survive as much as the other people. I think they should have treated all the passangers the same in the first place.

 Re: Third class deck composition

Posted: 2005/3/28 21:28  Updated: 2005/3/29 14:04


Joined: 2005/3/28
Posts: -1
the third class was the most portion that died on the ship,because they wouldn't let the children or the women up to survive on that ship. they should of gave them a least chance to survive,even though they were poor,but they still had money to go on to that ship to go to New YORk!. They were important as much as anyone else on that ship.

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