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The ten decks on the RMS Titanic
  Posted on Mon 04 Oct 2004 (108898 reads)
The Passenger accommodation together with the internal structure of the RMS Titanic comprised in total ten decks. In accordance with the usual maritime practice, to avoid possible confusion on board, the passenger decks were also designated alphabetically A, B, C, D, E, F an d G, with "A" representing the Boat deck. The decks were:

-Boat Deck (A)
-Promenade Deck (B)
-Bridge Deck (C)
-Shelter Deck (D)
-Saloon Deck (E)
-Upper Deck (F)
-Middle Deck (G)
-Lower Deck
-Orlop Deck
-Tank Deck

The passenger accommodation and public areas were located on the Promenade, Bridge, Shelter, Saloon, Upper, Middle and Lower decks.

With the remaining three decks being occupied by crew quarters, cargo, stores and machinery compartments.

The Boat and Promenade decks were above the moulded or shaped structure of the ship and did not extend for the complete length of the other superstructure decks due to additional space being necessary for machinery requirements and cargo loading facilities. Having a length of 500ft, these two uppermost decks were only 50ft shorter than the superstructure and enhanced the vessel's profile by providing a tiered appearance.

The first deck to occupy the complete length of the superstructure was the Bridge deck, which extended for a length of 550ft. Forward and aft of this deck, and on the same level but interrupted by the cargo hatches, were the Forecastle and Poop decks.

The Forecastle deck was 106ft long, and the Poop deck was 128ft long. First class passengers were accommodated on the five levels from the Upper to the Promenade decks; second class passengers had their accommodation on the Middle, Upper and Saloon decks; while third class passengers were to be found on the Lower deck forward and the Middle, Upper and Saloon deck aft.

The cost of travelling on the Titanic varied widely according to the type of passage chosen. At the top end, the most expensive suite cost £870 one way across the Atlantic. The lowest-priced first class passage - accommodation in a four-berth cabin without meals - cost £23. The cost of a steerage, or third class, passage was £7 10s one way, but it included all meals. For this fare the passenger got a bunk in a dormitory of up to eight people.
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 re: i am looking for plans on titanic want to build one out of balsa wood

Posted: 2007/2/11 22:38  Updated: 2007/2/19 17:00


Joined: 2007/2/11
Posts: -1
Hello, if anyone knows where i can get a full paper model of titanic including the hull and some frame work to build one out of balsa wood i'm into titanic seen the movie atlease 18 times and got all sorts of documents on titanic but what i want to do is find someone who has built one out of balsa wood and added a few things to it like rooms and radio control gear to make it float on water . i have 1/350 scale and it's a friends , so he wants it built up like it was before it sank . but i plan on making one out of balsa wood to show at library's and other places.

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